Fans are encouraged to limit the number of items they bring with them to the Stadium. They will be...
Matchday A-Z Guide | CLEAR BAG POLICY
BMO Stadium has a Clear Bag Policy in order to provide a safer environment for fans and will consequently also expedite entry into the Stadium. The policy affects the type and size of the bags permitted into the Stadium, not the items (keys, makeup, combs, phones, wallets, etc). Guests will also be allowed to openly carry a blanket or jacket into the Stadium, although they will be subject to being searched. It is required that fans bring bags that meet the following style and size limits that are permissible at BMO Stadium:
- One bag that is clear plastic, vinyl, or PVC and does not exceed 12” x 6” x 12”, or:
- A one-gallon clear plastic storage bag (Ziploc bag or similar).
- Exceptions will be made for medically necessary items after proper inspection and Stadium Management approval.